What personal data do we process

Most data we receive directly from you, the patient. We also receive data from other healthcare providers, possibly including your own GP, with whom we cooperate in the context of your treatment. 
We process the following categories of personal data from you: 

  • Name, address and place of residence (NAW) data
  • Date of birth 
  • Gender 
  • Telephone number 
  • Citizen service number (BSN) 
  • Insurance details 
  • The name of your GP 
  • Medical details


Urgently in need of a general practitioner?

Do you need medical assistance outside office hours? Can't this help be postponed until your own GP or his replacement is on duty again? Then call Doktersdienst Groningen: 0900-9229. This number costs €0.10 per minute, with a starting rate of 4.54 cents.